Start-up Culture in Germany: Ideation, Development, and Funding

Start-up Culture in Germany: Ideation, Development, and Funding

Virtual - Online


Start-up Culture in Germany: Ideation, Development, and Funding

Dear Members and Friends of [the Harvard Club of Munich/Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women Germany],

The Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women Germany and Harvard Club of Munich are pleased to invite you to the event Start-up Culture in Germany: Ideation, Development, and Funding.

Join us on Thursday, April 15 at 19:00 as we discuss and explore themes related to start-up ideation, development, and funding during a virtual panel discussion. Stakeholders and investors from incubators, accelerators, and funding organizations will share their thoughts and opinions on themes such as stages and scaling of startup development and launch, diverse and inclusive recruitment, the makings of successful startup teamwork, innovation in changing times, and more. Panelists include:

Kristina Alam, President, Alumni Club EMBA, Innovation & Business Creation Unternehmer TUM, BWM Group
Martin Giese, Managing Director, EXPRENEURS, Unternehmer TUM
Simon Kratzer, Executive Director, EMBA Entrepreneurship & Tech Education, Unternehmer TUM
Lars A. Rosumek, Co-founder & Chairman of the Board, Harvard Business School HBS Alumni Angels Association of Germany

Click here to register for the event and find out more information:…

This panel is the first in a series of three panel discussions focusing on the start-up environment and culture in Germany. The Alumnae-i Network for Harvard Women Germany and Harvard Club of Munich have collaborated to gather leaders and stakeholders in the start-up space together with a virtual audience of the Harvard Community and its friends to discuss the start-up scene and important topics within the field. The subsequent panels, held on April 22 and April 29, center on Start-up Founders and Start-up Community and Mentorship. Stay tuned for more information on these upcoming panels.

Start-up Culture in Germany Session 1 Event Information:
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2020
Time: 19:00 - 20:30
Location: Zoom Virtual Meeting
Language: English
Event Information & Tickets:…
Cost: Free